Purpose: Minimize the probability that a poor combination of PC personnel and conference location leads to disastrous results for both ICSME attendees and the reputation of ICSME. We must strike a balance between openness and competence (not necessarily mutually exclusive).

Procedure: The SC will actively solicit proposals for organizing ICSME. A proposal will be submitted by the proposed General Chair. Proposals for a given year, X, will be accepted between three months and three days prior to ICSME X-2. For example, proposals for ICSME 2020 will be accepted between three months and three days prior to ICSME 2018. If needed, the SC will invite the proposed General Chair to an interview via teleconference or at ICSME, or solicit additional information via e-mail. Final decision will be made at the first SC meeting after the election at ICSME X-2. The people who submitted proposals will be notified immediately. The SC will appoint the Program Chairs, in consultation with the General Chair. The other positions on the organizing committee will be selected by the General Chair and submitted for approval to the SC.

  1. 1. Qualifications for General Chair.
    • Served successfully (as judged by the SC) at least once at the ICSME organisation committee;
    • Will attend ICSME in the year preceding the conference she is organising.

    • Familiar with IEEE/CS conference and publication procedures;
    • Familiar with the local facilities (e.g., hotel) of the proposed site.

  2. 2. Qualifications for Program Chair.
    • Served successfully (as judged by the SC) at least twice on the ICSME PC;
    • Will attend ICSME in the year preceding the conference they are organising.

    • Familiar with IEEE/CS conference and publication procedures.

  3. 3. Qualifications for Chairs of other Tracks.
    • Served successfully (as judged by the SC) at least once on the ICSME PC.

  4. 4. Qualifications for Local Arrangements Chair.
    • Familiar with local facilities (e.g., hotel) of the proposed site.

  5. 5. Exceptions. The above qualifications may be waived if, in the judgement of the SC, individuals have other outstanding qualifications for a position (e.g., did an outstanding job as General Chair for another conference).

  6. 6. Site selection criteria.
    • Convenient air travel to and from the site (or nearby location, reachable by public transportation) is available.
    • Reasonably priced hotels are available at and in the vicinity of the site.
    • Safe environment (e.g., the environment should be safe for female and LGBT participants, the hosting country should be politically and socially stable).
    • Support facilities (e.g., A/V facilities, copying, student registration help) are available in the area.
    • Significant software industry presence in the area.

  7. 7. Office positions of ICSME.
    • General Chair.
    • Program Chair.
    • Upon agreement with SC, the General chair can organize additional tracks and appoint track chairs, e.g., Early Research Achievement (ERA) track, tools tack, industry track or doctoral symposium track.
    • Publicity Chair.
    • Local Arrangements Chair.
    • The General chair can also appoint additional officers such as web chair, student volunteers chair, social media chair.
    In the above, "Chair" can mean "Co-Chair". Other than for the general and program chairs, if there is more than one co-chair for a post, then at least ONE must meet the above criteria.